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Web3j is a modular, reactive, type safe Java and Android library for working with Smart Contracts and integrating with clients (nodes) on the Ethereum network.


  • Java & Kotlin Compatibility: A powerful Ethereum library for Java and Kotlin, enabling integration in Android and server-side applications.

  • Smart Contract Wrappers: Auto-generates Java classes for interacting with Ethereum smart contracts, streamlining development.

  • Event Monitoring: Provides built-in support for listening to blockchain events and logs in real-time.


  1. Install the package:

    Terminal window
    curl -L | sh && source ~/.web3j/
  2. Create a project:

    Terminal window
    web3j new
  3. Generate a Wallet:

    Terminal window
    web3j wallet create
  4. Create a contract

  5. Call your contract script by running the command:

    Terminal window
    web3j run your_skale_rpc <wallet_path> <wallet_password>