Dune serves as an incredibly flexible web3 analytics tool and source of truth, aligning with the SKALE Network approach to unveil the formerly hidden web3 landscape by showcasing previously web2-exclusive data on the Dune platform.
The SKALE Dashboards on Dune aim to cover all details about the network: nodes, delegators, validators and the multi-chain ecosystem.
The data on the SKALE Dashboards in Dune are driven from SKALE smart contracts deployed on Ethereum. This set of contracts ensure the security and management of the network since all actions regarding chains creation, delegations, node creation/rotation and others are performed through these smart contracts.
SKALE Dune Dashboards
To run and maintain such a complex ecosystem like SKALE Network it requires several parties. For this reason the SKALE data on Dune is spread across the following dashboards.
Encompasses general statistics of the network, including metrics like total staked and the number of existing validators. It features tables and dashboards that provide insights into the core components of the ecosystem.
Offers detailed insights into each validator’s identity and staking conditions. It also includes several tables that provide in-depth information on delegations, the rewards associated with those delegations, and the supernodes linked to each validator.
For each delegator wallet address, this page provides a wealth of information, including the number of delegations made and a record of all delegations made, along with rewards collected from each validator they have delegated to.
The SKALE network is a multi-chain ecosystem and this dashboard reveals some numbers of the all existing chains. The data in it shows tables like the number of SKALE chains currently operational on the network, the monthly evolution of unique active wallets and transactions in the network, and also presents an average cost in USD of the gas fees if other EVMs chains would have been exposed to the same transactions load as the SKALE chains.
This section is dedicated to each specific SKALE chain. By selecting a particular chain, the dashboard returns essential details such as its lifetime, creation time, nodes forming the chain and also shows how much would have been spend in USD on gas fees if the gas spent on the SKALE Chain was done on other EVM chains.
For each node ID, the Supernode page offers insights into the supernode’s details, the validator it is linked to, and the SKALE chains it is currently operating on. Additionally, it provides information on the bounties generated by that supernode, shedding light on the economic activity within the ecosystem.
Additional Dune Documentation
Click here for the official documentation.