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The Graph

The Graph is a indexing protocol and be used to create subgraphs on SKALE Chain data.

You can reach out to the Graph community to request a Graph node, or you may run your own Graph node. These instructions assume you are using a Testnet or Mainnet SKALE Chain and are running your own graph node.

  1. Install Prerequisites
    • docker
    • docker-compose
    • nodejs
    • npm
    • yarn
    • truffle
  2. Get a SKALE Endpoint

    Get the SKALE chain endpoint assigned to your project here OR use your your own dedicated chain as available.

  3. Configure a Graph Node
    Terminal window
    git clone
    cd graph-node/docker

    Then modify the docker-compose.yml file:

    ethereum: 'skale:http://host.docker.internal:15000' <1>
    - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway" <2>

    (1) Replace with your SKALE Chain endpoint if not using the SKALE-IMA-SDK. (2) Add this if using host.docker.internal on a Linux machine.

  4. Start the Graph Node
    Terminal window
    docker-compose up -d

    To follow the container output, run docker logs docker_graph-node_1 --follow

  5. Prepare the Subgraph test

    In another terminal on the same machine, execute:

    Terminal window
    git clone
    cd se-integrations/graph-protocol/

    Modify the .env file.


    (1) You will add the contract address in step 7.

  6. Deploy Test contract
    Terminal window
    npm install
    truffle compile
    truffle migrate
  7. Add deployed MyToken Contract address to subgraph.yaml
    - kind: ethereum/contract
    name: MyToken
    network: skale <1>
    address: 'CONTRACT_ADDRESS' <2>
    abi: MyToken

    (1) Change from mainnet to skale to match docker-compose.yml in graph-node. (2) Replace with deployed contract address.

  8. Add deployed MyToken contract address to .env file
  9. Execute yarn
    Terminal window
    yarn && yarn codegen
  10. Create local Subgraph
    Terminal window
    yarn create-local

    Expected output:

    Terminal window
    Created subgraph: skaleToken
    Done in 1.04s.

    Expected output in Graph-node container:

    Terminal window
    Dec 17 23:18:38.892 INFO Received subgraph_create request,
    params: SubgraphCreateParams {
    name: SubgraphName("skaleToken")
    }, component: JsonRpcServer
  11. Deploy to Local
    Terminal window
    yarn deploy-local
  12. Verify graph-node terminal

    Expected output in graph-node container:

    Terminal window
    graph-node_1 | Apr 23 20:20:58.952 INFO Scanning blocks [0, 0], range_size: 1, subgraph_id: QmbWZiRDpGb95WkA1QH8UM3wsUMZeBmr6ZW2UJaMtGZADB, component: SubgraphInstanceManager > BlockStream
  13. Execute graph test
    Terminal window
    truffle test --network skale test/myToken.test.forgraph.js

    Expected output:

    Terminal window
    In the test (237ms)
    1 passing (242ms)
  14. Execute token test
    Terminal window
    truffle test --network skale test/myToken.test.js


    Terminal window
    enough account balance
    deploys a contract
    has a default token value (1042ms)
    can update token value (1042ms)
    4 passing (3s)
  15. Check your GraphQL


  16. Perform a test query
    Terminal window
    myTokens(orderBy: tokenValue, orderDirection: asc) {

    Expected output:

    Terminal window
    "myTokens": [
    {"id": "0x2", "owner": "..."

Additional The Graph Documentation

Click here for the official documentation.