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Remix is a comprehensive toolset designed for contract development, suitable for users of all knowledge levels. It also serves as a learning lab for teaching and experimenting with EVM blockchains. With Remix, you can choose an environment to work from: either compiling your contracts using a sandbox blockchain in your browser (JavaScript VM), or using Injected Web3 that hands off the interface to a provider such as MetaMask, that in turn connects to your SKALE Chain endpoint.

Additional Remix Documentation

Click here for the official documentation.

Implementation Example

Click this link to load the following Hello World contract into the Remix IDE:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;
contract HelloSKALE {
string public storedName;
function setName(string memory name) public {
storedName = name;
function sayHello() public view returns (string memory) {
return string(abi.encodePacked("Hello ", storedName, "!"));
  1. Contract Compilation

    Remix Contrac Compilation

    1. Select the Solidy compiler tab

    2. Select the Compile button

  2. Wallet Setup

    Remix Contract Deployment

    1. Select the Deploy & run transactions tab

    2. Under environment select Injected Provider option

  3. Contract Deployement

    Remix Contract Deployment

    Select the deploy button to have your contract available on the selected SKALE Chain