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Unity Libraries

Nethereum is a .NET integration library for Ethereum, enabling developers to interact with EVM chains and smart contracts using the C# programming language. It provides a set of APIs and utilities to facilitate communication with the Ethereum blockchain.

The main features of this web3 library are:

  • JSON RPC / IPC Ethereum core methods
  • Simplified smart contract interaction for deployment, function calling, transaction and event filtering and decoding of topics
  • Unity 3d integration
  • ABI to .Net type encoding and decoding, including attribute-based for complex object serialization
  • Libraries for standard contracts Token, ENS and Uport
  • Key storage using Web3 storage standard, compatible with Geth and Parity.

Implementation Example

The Nethereum.Unity library is a Nethereum specific Unity library and api which provides support for UnityWebRequest to interact with Ethereum using RPC over Http.

All Nethereum releases can be found here.

The following example showcases how to get the current balance of a wallet.

Get Balance Example

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using Nethereum.Web3;
using Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs;
using Nethereum.Unity.Rpc;
public IEnumerator GetWalletBalance()
string chain_rpc = "";
string wallet_address = "";
var balanceRequest = new EthGetBalanceUnityRequest(chain_rpc);
yield return balanceRequest.SendRequest(wallet_address, BlockParameter.CreateLatest());
var balance = Web3.Convert.FromWei(balanceRequest.Result.Value);
Debug.Log("Wallet Balance " + balance);

Nethereum Playground

In order to quickly experiment Nethereum library and it’s capabilities, it was created a platform where developers can learn and run predefined examples that show how to make some requests. It can be useful to help developers deciding if Nethereum is a good fit for their project. To try it out check

Additional Nethereum Documentation

Click here for the official documentation.