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What is a SKALE Hub?

A SKALE Hub is a SKALE Chain designated for use by a specific group of projects or for use by projects in a particular category or industry. Hubs can be used to group together parties in a few different ways. Hubs can be used to:

  • group together projects in a similar category
  • offer a variety of services to AppChains or other HubChains
  • make SKALE Chain compute available to projects that only need a fraction of a SKALE Chain
  • allow Enterprises to run multiple “dApps” on their own SKALE Chain, creating a single-owner Hub

The Importance of Hubs

SKALE Chains are very powerful. Most projects will not need the total resources of a SKALE Chain. To still allow any project to take advantage of what a SKALE Chain can offer, Hubs are an ideal place for the majority of projects to start building.

The Shared Compute Model

Hubs leverage a shared compute model similar to traditional cloud computing. For example, most projects start with a shared servers when using popular cloud providers, as they do not need a whole server to themselves. However, as projects grow, they may need dedicated resources as they scale up to their services. SKALE enables projects to build in a similar fashion where they can start in a place that is more cost-effective and offers resources more aligned with their requirements, while allowing for a very flexible migration to another SKALE Chain if it makes sense in the future.

Active Hubs

As of 11/15/2023

There are four (4) hub chains currently available throughout the SKALE Ecosystem. These include the Calypso Innovation Hub, the Europa Liquidity Hub, the Nebula Gaming Hub, and the Titan AI Hub.

Public NameSKALE Manager NameFocusMTM EnabledLink to Portal
Titanparallel-stormy-spicaAI & MLYes