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Europa Liquidity Hub

The Europa DeFi Hub is a SKALE Chain that offers a number of benefits to the SKALE ecosystem. It’s primary purpose is to offer projects building in the Decentralized Finance space to have a place to utilize shared compute within the SKALE Network. However, the Europa Hub also solves a key issue that is naturally inherited by a multi-chain network  —  Liquidity Fragmentation.

Solving Liquidity Fragmentation

A common occurrence with new(er) blockchains and more specifically multi-chain networks is liquidity fragmentation and token fragmentation. Fragmentation can occur when chains do not have access to a shared set of information, in this case tokens. If Europa did not exist, every SKALE Chain that wanted tokens to be moved between SKALE Chains would force their users to constantly bridge between the Ethereum Mainnet and SKALE Chains, resulting in users having to pay gas fees to go between chains.

Alternatively, projects could have all of their own tokens (e.g USDCa, USDCb, USDCc) bridge to Europa for DeFi, however, that results in liquidity fragmentation which the community worked hard to avoid.

With the Europa Hub being the primary entrypoint for liquidity on SKALE today, all chains can benefit from a streamlined process for token movement. Tokens are bridged into Europa from Ethereum, at which point they can then be bridged again to other SKALE Chains. This means dApps on their own AppChains and on HubChains can utilize tokens while knowing that it’s just a quick hop over to Europa to access the world of DeFi on SKALE and the rest of the network.

Projects on Europa