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Protocol Overview

A SKALE chain is a Proof-of-Stake blockchain fully compatible with ETH mainnet. It can run ETH wallets, tools and dapps.

As any Ethereum-compatible chain, SKALE chain includes blockchain, which is a chain of transactions ordered into committed blocks, and a computing machine denoted as EVM. The set of variables stored in EVM is denoted as EVM state.

flowchart LR
  b0[Tx1processed]---b1[Tx2 processed]---b2[Tx3 processed]---|EVM Processing|b3[Tx3 unprocessed]

EVM processes committed blocks one transaction at a time. For each transaction it runs instructions (bytecode) specified by the transaction and changes EVM state.

Architecture overview

The purpose of SKALE chain is to order transactions into blocks and then process them by EVM.

SKALE chain is composed of a fixed set of N network nodes that process user transactions in the following phases

. accept and validate user transactions (submission phase) . broadcast transactions to peer nodes (broadcast phase) . store transactions into pending queues (pending queue phase) . create block proposal for each block number and broadcast it to peers, collecting 2/3 N data availability signatures and creating DA proofs. (block proposal phase) . broadcast DA proofs to peers (DA broadcast phase) . run block consensus for each block proposal to select a winning proposal (block consensus phase) . sign the statement on which proposal won (block signature share) and broadcast it to other nodes. Wait until receipt of 2/3 of block signature shares and merge them into block signature. (block signature phase) . commit the winning proposal if node has it, otherwise download it from other nodes and commit it. The winning proposal becomes acommitted block (block finalization phase) . process the committed block through Ethereum Virtual Machine to transition to the new EVM state. (EVM processing phase) . store committed blocks and EVM state(storage phase)

The diagram below illustrates typical transaction flow:

flowchart TD
  b0[Transaction submission] --> b1[Transaction broadcast] --> b2[Pending Queue] --> b3[Block Proposal] --> b31[DA Broadcast] --> b32[Block Consensus] --> 
  b33[Block Signature] --> 
  b34[Block Finalization] --> b4[Block Commit] --> b5[EVM Processing] -->
  b9[Storage phase]
  b6[Block Catchup] -->b4

Note that in addition to normal block processing, a node can receive blocks through block catchup mechanism.

Block catchup means that the node does not participate in block consensus. Instead, it simply downloads committed blocks from other nodes, verifying block signatures. block catchup typically happens when a node is powered on after being offline. Block catchup can also be used by third-party nodes that do not participate in core chain, such a archive nodes.

block consensus and block catchup run in parallel. This means that every node in addition in normal block consensus procedure makes periodic random connections to other nodes, to attempt to download ready committed blocks.

The blockchain provides a guarantee that every transaction is included into the chain only once. This means, in particular, that when a node commits a block, the node will remove the transactions included in the block from the pending transaction queue.

SKALE node overview

Each node runs skaled, SKALE software blockchain agent.

skaled is composed of:

. Network API module accepts transactions and user requests. . Transaction validation module validates transactions on receipt. . Pending queue module holds transactions. . Transaction broadcast module broadcasts valid transactions to other nodes in the chain . Proposal module creates block proposals for consensus . Proposal broadcast module broadcasts block proposals to peers and collects DA proofs . DA proof broadcast module broadcasts DA proofs to peers . Consensus module selects the winning block proposal and turns it into a committed block, and then creates block signature by assembling signature shares. . Finalization module downloads winning proposals from other nodes, if a node does not have a copy of winning proposal by completion block consensus. . EVM module processes the committed block . Block storage module stores committed blocks, deleting old blocks if skaled runs out of block storage space (block rotation) . State storage module stores EVM state. State information is never deleted automatically. Cleaning up the state is the responsibility of dapps

flowchart TD
  b1[Network API Module] -->|Txs| b2[Tx validation module] -->|Validated Txs| b3[Pending queue module] -->|Block Proposals| b5[Proposal Module] --> |DA Proofs| b6[DA proof broadcast module] --> |Proposals and DA proofs| b7[Consensus module] -->|consensus on winning proposal| b12[Finalization module] -->|committed block| b8[EVM module]
  b2 -->|Validated Txs| b11[Tx Broadcast Module]
  b8 -->|Committed Blocks| b9[Block Storage Module]
  b8 -->|EVM State| b10[Evm Storage module]    

Security assumptions overview

SKALE is provably secure. This means one can prove two qualities of the blockchain

  • consistency - for any block number, committed blocks and EVM state are identical on each node. Note that due to network delays, some nodes may at a given moment have less committed blocks than others. Therefore, the consistency is eventual.
  • liveliness - the blockchain will always keep producing new committed blocks.

Provable security means that under certain mathematical assumptions, SKALE chain will always be consistent and lively, no matter what the attacker does.

The mathematical assumptions for provable security are specified below.

Node security assumptions

We assume that out of N nodes, t nodes at maximum are Byzantine (malicious), where

3 t + 1 N

Simply speaking, not more than 1/3 of nodes can be malicious. For instance, if N = 16, the maximum number of malicious nodes is 5.

The identity of malicious nodes is not known. A malicious node will typically pretend being an honest node.

A malicious node will attempt to break the consistency and liveliness of the network by sending malicious messages, or not sending any messages when it supposed to send a message by a protocol.

It is assumed that malicious nodes do not control network routers and links. This means, in particular, that malicious nodes can not affect messages sent between honest nodes, such as corrupting or reordering them

Network security assumptions

The algorithms used by SKALE make assumptions about the properties of the underlying network.

SKALE assumes that the network is asynchronous and reliable with eventual delivery guarantee.

This means that:

  • nodes are assumed to be connected by a reliable communications links.
  • Links can can be arbitrarily slow, but will eventually deliver messages.

The asynchronous model described above is similar to the model assumed by Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains. It reflects the state of modern Internet, where temporary network splits and interruptions are normal, but always resolve eventually.

Since real Internet sometimes drops messages on the way without delivering them, the eventual delivery guarantee is achieved in practice by retransmissions. The sending node will make multiple attempts to transfer message to the receiving node, until the transfer is successful and is confirmed by the receiving node.

Protocol phases overview

Submission phase

During submission phase a user client (browser or mobile app) signs a transaction using user private wallet key and submits it either directly to one of core nodes or to a network proxy. A network proxy is a node that load balances incoming transactions to core nodes attempting to load them evenly, and avoiding transaction submissions to non-responsive nodes.

Broadcast phase

During the broadcast phase, a node that received a transaction from user client will broadcast it to other core nodes.

Pending queue phase

During the pending queue phase, a transaction received from user client or from transaction broadcast is validated and placed into thepending queue. During the validation, transaction signature and format are verified.

Note that pending queue has fixed memory capacity. If the pending queue is full, adding a new transaction to the queue will cause some transactions to be dropped from the pending queue. Ethereum-compatible blockchains, including SKALE, drop transactions with the smallest gas price.

Block proposal phase

During the block proposal phase each SKALE node will form a block proposal. A block proposal is an ordered list of transactions.

If all transactions in pending queue can be placed into proposal without reaching block gas limit, then all transactions will be placed into block proposal. Otherwise, transactions with higher gas price will be selected from the queue to create a block proposal that fits the block gas limit.

Once a node created a proposal, it will broadcast compressed proposal to all its nodes. The compressed proposal includes only the transaction hash (fingerprint) of each transaction. The receiving node decompresses transactions by matching transaction hashes to transactions stored in is pending queue. In the event receiving node does not have a matching transaction in its pending queue, it will ask the sending node for the entire transaction.

Once the receiving node receives the block proposal, it will sign a Data Availability Signature and pass it to the sending node.

Once the sending node collects DA signatures from 2/3 of nodes, it will merge the signatures into a DA proof. The DA proof proves that the proposal has been widely distributed over the network.

DA broadcast phase

Once a node obtains a DA proof for its block proposal, it will broadcast DA proof to other nodes.

Note that DA proof requirement solves two problems:

First, a block proposal that has a DA proof is guaranteed to be widely distributed.

Second, since DA proof creation requires a 2/3 signature of nodes, the proposal is guaranteed to be unique. A malicious proposal is not able to create two different proposals an obtain DA proofs for both of them.

Block consensus phase

Once a node receives DA proofs from 2/3 of nodes, the node will start the block consensus phase.

During block consensus phase, the node will vote 1 if it received DA proof for a particular proposal, and vote 0 otherwise.

The nodes will then executed asynchronous binary consensus algorithm, also known as Byzantine Generals problem.

The particular binary consensus algorithm implemented in SKALE is specified in

Once the binary consensus completed, it guarantees that all honest node will reach consensus of 1 or 0'. If honest nodes reach 1it is guaranteed that1was initially voted by at least1’ honest nodes. That, in turn, guarantees that the block proposal is DA safe, or that it is widely distributed over the network.

If a block consensus phase outputs 1 for several proposals, the proposal with highest priority is selected. The priority changes from one block to another so that on average each node has similar probability to win.

Block signature phase

After block consensus decides on the winning block, each node will sign the statement specifying the winning proposal (block signature share) and broadcast it to other nodes. The node will then wait until receipt of 2/3 of block signature shares and merge the shares into block signature.

Block finalization phase.

On completion of block signature phase, all honest nodes will have the block signature but some of them may not have the block itself.

This can happen due to a malicious proposer, that intentionally does not send its proposals to some of the all nodes in order to break the liveliness property of the blockchain. It can also happen due to proposer crashing, or due to slow network.

Fortunately, DA proof requirement solves the problem. It is guaranteed, that block proposal that wins block consensus phase has DA proof, and is, therefore, widely distributed across the network.

Therefore, during block finalization_phase If a node does not happen to have the winning proposal, it will simply connect to other nodes to download it from them.

Note that 2/3 of the nodes are guaranteed to have a copy of the proposal after DA proof phase

EVM processing phase

After block finalization the block is present on the node.

It will be then processed through Ethereum Virtual Machine to update EVM state.

Storage phase

Committed block will now be stored in persistent storage, and EVM state will be updated in persistent storage.

The node will move into block proposal phase for the next block.