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SKALE 3.1.1 upgrade

Upgrade steps for the node server

  1. Turn off sgxwallet

    Terminal window
    cd sgxwallet/run_sgx/ && docker-compose down && cd ../../
  2. Turn off the node

    Terminal window
    skale node turn-off --unsafe --yes
  3. Backup the node

    Terminal window
    skale node backup .

    Save the data on another machine

  4. Backup sgx_data folder and SGX backup key. Save the data on another machine

  5. Upgrade packages

    Terminal window
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
    sudo reboot
  6. Upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04

    Terminal window
  7. Turn off docker-lvmpy

    Terminal window
    systemctl stop docker-lvmpy && systemctl disable docker-lvmpy
  8. Make sure nftables is installed

    Terminal window
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install nftables docker-compose-plugin
  9. Disable ufw ipv6 configuration

    Terminal window
    sed -i 's/IPV6=yes/IPV6=no/' /etc/default/ufw.
  10. Reload ufw

    Terminal window
    ufw reload
  11. Pull latest changes from sgxwallet

    Terminal window
    cd sgxwallet/run_sgx && git checkout stable && git pull
  12. Add -b option in the command section of run_sgx/docker-compose.yml

  13. Run sgxwallet

    Terminal window
    cd run_sgx && docker-compose up -d
  14. Download new node-cli binary

    Terminal window
    curl -L > /usr/local/bin/skale
  15. Verify node-cli binary hash sum

    Terminal window
    sha512sum /usr/local/bin/skale

    Expected checksum

    Terminal window
  16. Make node-cli executable

    Terminal window
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/skale
  17. Update the following parameters to the new values

    Terminal window
  18. Execute update

    Terminal window
    skale node update .env --yes
  19. Restart nftables and docker services

    Terminal window
    systemctl restart nftables && systemctl restart docker
    nft add rule inet firewall skale tcp dport 1026-1031 drop