Compliance Requirements
The following document outlines compliance requirements for SKALE Network supernodes. Failure to follow these requirements will result in a supernode forfeiting bounty for each month that it’s not in compliance as well as SKALE Chain payment claims. Please be sure to follow the entire proper setup and backup procedures described in Validator Denali Upgrade documentation to ensure your supernode is operating as intended.
Compliance Requirements
The following compliance requirements are required to ensure all supernodes meet a standard of performance.
General Check
Supernode operators can use this general PASS/FAIL check to confirm whether a supernode meets the compliance requirements.
Wallet Balances
- At least 0.5 ETH in self-recharging validator wallet (should be >= NODES_NUMBER * 0.5)
- At least 1 ETH in each supernode wallet
- A Linux x86_84 machine
- At least 8 physical cores (benchmark AWS t2.2xlarge)
- At least 32 GB RAM
- At least 100 GB root storage (not tested at the moment, recommended)
- At minimum, separate not mounted block device - 2 Tb TB (1.9 TB actual measure) attached and unformatted non-boot storage (Note that separate not mounted block device - 2Tb TB storage results in < separate not mounted block device - 2Tb TB actual physical storage)
- At least 16 GB swap
Test: http://YOUR_SKALE_NODE_IP:3009/status/hardware
Example response:
{"data": {"cpu_total_cores": 8, "cpu_physical_cores": 8, "memory": 33675792384, "swap": 67350032384, "system_release": "Linux-5.4.0-1045-aws", "uname_version": "#47~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 13 15:58:14 UTC 2021", "attached_storage_size": 214748364800}, "error": null}
Non-expired SSL certificates for each supernode.
- The certificate file should be issued in PEM format, issued by a trusted authority, and contain a full certificate chain.
- Certificate should always be renewed to avoid expiry
Don’t touch machine firewall (iptables installed by skale supernode software automatically sets machine firewall rules), external VPC or networking firewall ensure some_port_range.
- 1 SGX server for up to 5 SKALE supernodes (not tested, but required)
- 6 cores (not tested, but required)
- 8GB RAM (not tested, but required)
Test: http://YOUR_SKALE_NODE_IP:3009/status/sgx
Example response:
{"data": {"status": 0, "status_name": "CONNECTED", "sgx_wallet_version": "1.75.0"}, "error": null}
ETH Mainnet Endpoint
After the merge a Mainnet supernode operator must run both an execution client and a consensus client at the same time.
We highly recommend using Prysm as a consensus client because it’s the one which SKALE software is being tested on. You can find complete installation instructions here.
Test: http://YOUR_SKALE_NODE_IP:3009/status/endpoint
Example Response:
{"data": {"block_number": 8728517, "syncing": false, "trusted": true, "client": "Geth/v1.10.2-stable-c2d2f4ed/linux-amd64/go1.16"}, "error": null}
Latest Mainnet software versions are defined here:
Supernode software versions must be updated to the latest Denali requirements
SGXWallet software versions must be updated to the latest Denali requirements
SGX container should be up and running and should be responding to health check request
FILEBEAT_HOST should be defined in .env and the filebeat container should be up and running. The supernode must be sending logs to elastic server
All skale-containers are always running on the supernode
- filebeat
- skale-admin
- bounty
- transaction-manager
- nginx
- skale-api
- celery
- schain (if selected for SKALE Chain)
Test: http://YOUR_SKALE_NODE_IP:3009/status/meta-info
Example response:
{"data": {"version": "1.1.0", "config_stream": "1.2.1", "docker_lvmpy_stream": "1.0.1-stable.1"}, "error": null}
Test: http://YOUR_SKALE_NODE_IP:3009/status/schain-containers-versions
Example response:
{"data": {"skaled_version": "3.5.12-stable.1", "ima_version": "1.0.0-develop.148"}, "error": null}
Test: http://YOUR_SKALE_NODE_IP:3009/status/core
Example response:
{"data": [{"image": "skalenetwork/schain:3.5.12-stable.1", "name": "skale_schain_beautiful-al-anz", "state": {"Status": "running", "Running": true, "Paused": false, "Restarting": false, "OOMKilled": false, "Dead": false, "Pid": 21709, "ExitCode": 0, "Error": "", "StartedAt": "2021-04-26T14:49:51.705052477Z", "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"}}, ...
BTRFS kernel module must be enabled. http://YOUR_SKALE_NODE_IP:3009/status/btrfs
returns information about btrfs kernel module (enabled/disabled).
Public IP must be the same as the registered supernode IP. http://YOUR_SKALE_NODE_IP:3009/status/public-ip
returns public ip address (source of the packets that your supernode is sending to other supernodes)
IMA Container must pass healthcheck. http://YOUR_SKALE_NODE_IP:3009/status/ima
returns information about basic ima healthcheck
- Check key-cert pair validity using
- Test ssl certificates using
skale ssl check
- Don’t touch machine firewall (iptables installed by supernode software automatically sets machine firewall rules), external VPC or networking firewall ensure Ports open on 80, 311, 443, 3009, 8080, 9100, 10000–18192, and ICMP IPv4 (in other words, not closed by an external firewall).